Thursday, September 28, 2017

A peak at the first few weeks of Pre-K....

Outside Fun!!!

I see you!!

Look at me climb!

Working on my book.

Self Portraits
We can build our own Mat Man!!

Graphing- Living or Non Living?

Math Group- "What's My Rule?"

Using some art skills at the easel!

Math Center
"Look what I made!"

Who doesn't love playdough??

Counting and building during Math group!
Enjoying some quiet reading!

Weekly Wrap Up:

     This week we talked all about the ways we can help each other and work together with our friends. We talked about how we can share and listen to one another in order to create positive relationships. We gave great examples of how we do this in school each day. We have really begun to create great friendships in class.
     During literacy circle and small groups this week we really enjoyed creating and identifying compound words. When we identified one we would clap it out to see if it worked. Some of our favorites were "hotdog, cupcake,rainbow, toothbrush and backpack". We did a great job!
     During our math circles and small groups we continued working on rote counting to 10 as well as identifying missing numbers when counting out loud. We played a game with Ollie where he would count and if he made a mistake we had to help him identify which number he missed. We loved it!! We love anything involving Ollie!
     This week,during religion we talked more about how God made all of us special. We alos talked about who Mary was. We colored a picture of her dress from our religion book as well as worked with our Seeds magazine. We were very busy!
     Our book of focus this week was "Oscar Is Cold". This story talked about a bear who needed to warm up and tried many different ways to do so with the help of his friends. It also helped us to talk about the science topics of weather, and living vs non living. We sorted things into groups of living and non living and we graphed them. We were great scientists!
     This week we introduced Handwriting Without Tears. We began using "The Crayon Song" to help us with our crayon grip and "Mat Man". Mat Man will help up to create people like shapes as well as get us used to the terminology we will be using when talking about how to form letters correctly such as : Big Line, Little Line, Big Curve, Small Curve. We LOVE Mat Man! Learning is always fun while playing!

What a great week!! Have a nice weekend!
Miss Shea and Mrs. Spadoni

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Welcome to Pre-K 1!

Welcome to Pre-K 1! We are so excited to have you in class this year! We are really looking forward to great year together! This blog will help you see what goes on in class each week! Check back each week to see all the fun we are having!