Together this week the focus was on the question: How do friends get along together? This question opened up a lot of conversations relating to our feelings. We learned about what it means to feel sad, feel happy or even angry! We discussed how all people (even Moms and Dads and Teachers) have these feelings. They are all normal and natural. But, we also talked about what do we do with these feelings, especially when we are upset. The children shared some experiences about when they were having these feelings and what they could do about them. The children also shared some time with a partner and as a feeling was named, each of the children would face their partner and show (on their face) what that particular feeling looked like. This was a fun and engaging activity everyone seemed to enjoy! It is important to remember that because our feelings oftentimes influence our behaviors, it’s helpful if we can have some strategies in place to deal with these feelings in a positive, productive way.
During Literacy circle and small group time this week we focused on taking apart words and then putting them back together. (In other words, breaking down words into syllables by clapping them out while speaking.) The children enjoyed listening and clapping and then offered their own two syllable words as the week progressed.
We also worked on learning that big letters are called Uppercase letters and little letters are called Lowercase letters. Then we played a number of sorting games, deciding which letters were Uppercase and which were Lowercase. The children loved helping each other!
During Math circle and small group time this week the focus was on sorting by different attributes. The children sorted objects by color, size and one child even sorted animals by their tails!
During Story Time this week the book was Matthew and Tilly,
by Rebecca C. Jones which focused on the importance of
friendship and forgiveness.
One of our open-ended art activities was learning how to
sponge paint! What a wonderful way to explore the
artist within each of us!
Have a wonderful weekend!
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